Youssef M. Hussein
PhD student @Data Management Lab
University of Minnesota .
Personal Moto: Why? Because I want to be the best!.

PhD Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Minnesota
4-204B Kenneth H. Keller Hall
200 Union Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
husse408 [at], youssefhussien [at]
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I am currently a second-year Ph.D. student at the Database Management Lab at the University of Minnesota, under the supervision of Prof. Mohamed Mokbel. I completed my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering at the American University in Cairo (AUC) in 2023, with double minors in Mathematics and Arabic Studies.
My Thesis “GPU Accelrated Dataflow analysis” revolved around GPU-accelerated dataflow analysis. This project, supervised by Dr. Karim Aly and Dr. Cherif Salama, proposed a GPU-compatible implementation based on matrix representation to accelrelate the process of dataflow analysis. Our work achieved remarkable speedup of up to 250% compared to CPU implementations, offering a more efficient solution for real-time development environments and enhancing bug detection in software development.
During my time at AUC, I served as a Junior Research Assistant at the Computer Science Department under the guidance of Dr. Nouri Sakr. In this position, I contributed to a research project addressing the dual-criticality scheduling problem using various Reinforcement Learning (RL) models. Additionally, I worked as a Research Engineer in the Construction Engineering Department at AUC, where I led the development of an embedded application for a multidisciplinary research project. My responsibilities included proposing a multi-objective optimization model for sustainable farming while minimizing water consumption. I utilized Python libraries such as Beautiful Soup and Pandas to scrape real-time data for the app database using Excel VBA.
In terms of industry experience, I had the opportunity to work as a Platforms Software Engineer Intern at Dell Technologies. There, I actively contributed to the 5G team, utilizing C++ to develop multiple modules. I conducted unit testing using GoogleTest, worked with containers using Docker and Podman, and deployed continuous code changes using GitHub, following an Agile working framework. Furthermore, I served as a Computer Fundamentals Nanodegree Session Lead at Udacity, mentoring and supervising a cohort of 200 students aged 12-17. I guided them through various concepts, including HTTP, TCP/IP, HTML, CLIs, algorithmic problem-solving, and data encoding, as part of the Digital Egypt Cubs Initiative. We achieved an impressive graduation rate of 97%. Additionally, I interned at Silicon Arena LLC, collaborating as a Front-End Engineer Intern within an Agile framework. I contributed to the development of multiple components using React.js for an open-source eCommerce website based on documented software requirements specifications (SRS).
Overall, my academic and industry experiences have equipped me with a diverse skill set and a strong foundation in computer science and engineering. I am passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and contributing to innovative research and development projects.
Research interest: Spatial data, data management systems, and software engineering. These days, I’m particularly interested in Large Language Models (LLMs) evaluation and their applications in spatial data.
Announcement: This is a new website, it’s still under construction. You might find some inc :)
Sep 1, 2023 | Joined the Data Management Lab at UMN as new Ph.D. student, supervised by Prof. Mohamed Mokbel |
Jun 1, 2023 | Garduated from the American University in Cairo with high honors. I recieved the Dean’s List award (notable academic honors degree) in Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 semesters. |
Sep 1, 2019 | Received a fully funded merit scholarship from the AGFE foundation with a 3.5% acceptance rate to pursue my undergraduate degree at AUC. |
latest posts
Jul 12, 2023 | a post with bibliography |
Jul 4, 2023 | a post with jupyter notebook |
May 12, 2023 | a post with custom blockquotes |